Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I Am Love


This film, put simply, is about the human desire for pleasure, any kind of pleasure. Pleasure that is felt deeply and savored like a fine piece of shrimp.

The cinematography of this film is a pleasure for the audience to watch, with the beautiful locale and elegant shots. It also reflects this need for desire, such as when Emma is first tasting the shrimp Antonio cooked.

The love affair between Emma and Antonio, and the imagery associated with it (such as when they first have sex with one another) symbolizes the desire within human nature to experience pleasure by having sex, and feeling with all the senses. Just like Emma Bovary, Emma wants to experience pleasure, the realization of her desires.

Emma's desires also extend outside of her position in society- she is a married woman, and Antonio is not exactly a member of her class. Her affair with Antonio is rebellious, and it makes a statement, similar to the one Emma Bovary's character made. Emma wanted what she wanted and she had the power to get it, and the audacity to go against society's rules.

It is interesting to see these characters so fully going after what they want and simply enjoying themselves in the pleasures of life.

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